If a traditional small business loan isn’t a practical or viable option for your company, you may be able to benefit from a merchant cash advance of up to $200,000 per each business location. Businesses that do not have the credit history necessary to qualify for small business loans can take advantage of this helpful cash advance alternative. The funds are usually available within seven business days and do not require regular fixed payments like a traditional loan. Instead, a percentage of future credit card sales (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, etc.) is collected to repay the cash advance.
Once the cash advance money is in your hands, you are free to use it in any business-related way that you choose, including: expansion, advertising, inventory, and more.
Cash Advance Benefits Include:
Sometimes small businesses need a quick financial boost in order to get on their feet initially or overcome a tough year of financial losses. If your business doesn’t have a strong credit score or enough collateral to secure a small business loan, a cash advance can give your business the jump-start that it needs to operate, grow, and become successful.
Get on track today with a quick and helpful cash advance from Velocity Funding Solutions.
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